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                                             VILLA RUN NEWSLETTER

                                                 SEPTEMBER 2024



Villa Run Welcomes our new residents!

Sue &Al Apple 1139 Derby

Denise Bell 1044 Carson


The President’s Corner

I like to present a “State of Villa Run” viewpoint at this time each year so everyone can see what we’ve been able to accomplish during this past year. For starters, as you may know, our fiscal year ends on September 30th each year and I’m happy to report as you can see that this year, we were able to keep annual condo dues at the same level as last year.


We just had our first (hopefully not our last) annual picnic/golf outing at the Elks lodge. The three ladies, Kim Lee, Joyce Everly and Debbie Chapman did a wonderful job with the food and games. I only wish that there was some place that we could have a Christmas dinner/party like in the past when the Golden Corral restaurant was open. No one puts on a better party than Sue Schneider when it comes to gathering door prizes. Great memories.


During this past year, we’ve been able to transfer the responsibility of our maintenance of water and sewer lines to the city of Springfield which was a HUGH deal.

The only thing that we are asked to do at this point is to install new water valves but more about this later in this newsletter.


In March, we finally found a new insurance carrier that not only increased our coverage in some areas but also reduced our annual cost by approximately $25,000 which should more than offset our next annual increase due in March 2025.


At this point, we’ve practically eliminated our drainage problems that have plagued us for years and removed over 20 diseased trees from our borders.


We’ve been able to offer new outside lights to our residents at no cost. So far, we’ve ordered 110 new lights so if you haven’t ordered yours yet, it’s as easy as emailing me at or calling my new office number which is 937-561-4969.


Going into this year, we’re fiscally sound and will begin spending our money on interior improvements around Villa Run. Two rather large projects will be (1) thinning out brush along our southern border and (2) making improvements to our man-made creek located on our eastern border property. Barring any unforeseen emergency costs, we fully intend to do these things and stay within our budget.


We will not be holding a Board meeting in January mainly due to not knowing what the weather would be on any given day. Our next planned Board meeting will be held on the second Wednesday in March 2025. If you’re not leaving for Florida, we invite you to stay and enjoy another Ohio winter with us! Lol…





Thank you both Jill Melfi who is returning to our Board and to Kathy Trimmer who has volunteered to become our new area manager. Jill will manage area 1 which is mostly Brixton Dr. East and Kathy will manage Bradford Dr. and Carson Lane. This still leaves one vacancy which is area 5 which manages Brixton Dr. West and North.


We now also have an immediate need for a Vice-President. Steve Dunham has resigned from this position and is staying on as our Grounds person. As some know, Steve has graciously been serving in both jobs and has done a fantastic job for us in both positions.


As some people already know, I want to make this my last year as being President for Villa Run. I’ve enjoyed my time and with the Board’s help, we’ve been able to accomplish almost everything on my list and now that the ‘heavy lifting’ is done, I don’t feel that I make a very good administrator.

I just think it’s time for someone with fresh ideas to take over and trust me, whoever that person is, you won’t find a better group of people to work with than our current Board members.


Joyce Everly is in the process of forming new card clubs here in Villa Run. She first announced this at our picnic, and it sounded like several different card games would (or could be played) so if you’re interested in playing cards, please call Joyce at 740-360-2630.


This is important! Your Votes Counts! As you know, we are in the process of conducting a vote to determine if Villa Run will adopt the amendments that our law firm has recommended to us. At the advice of our Attorney, we must leave this ballot process open until we have received everyone’s ballot to make this vote official. To date, we have received 196 ballots back. That leaves 55 residents who either have not or will not cast their ballot. Whether you vote for or against approving these amendments, it’s very important that you vote so we can complete this process. Please either call your Area Manager or our Secretary to turn in your ballot.


As mentioned earlier, the City of Springfield to assume ownership and maintenance of our sewer and water lines. Included within this agreement was a recommendation to install up to 23 additional water control valves. This would reduce the number of condo units disrupted should water line repairs be needed in the future. To accomplish this, we will be installing new water valves over time. In our 2024-2025 budget, we have set aside funds to install up to 12 new water valves. It is anticipated that this work could start as early as October 2024.


To have these new valves installed, there will be the necessary inconvenience with a project of this nature.


This would include:

-temporary water supply disruption to condos in the construction area

-digging in yards to access water lines

-dirt and dust during construction

-directing discharge water to catch basins, ditches, yards and/or the street

-noise from heavy machinery


Please keep in mind, the city will do their best to minimize the above.

The city indicated they will notify affected condo owners approximately 48 hours prior to turning off water to your units. How long your water service will be off is dependent on construction conditions.


-Marty Laws




The Secretary’s Corner

A reminder that owners planning to sell their Unit are to notify the Association Secretary to assure questions from Real Estate Agents and or Title Companies can be answered in a timely manner. Also, please ensure the potential buyers have contacted me to schedule their New Owners orientation prior to the closing date.

-Barb Carpenter


The Treasurer’s Corner

Annual assessments (dues) for October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, are $1,983.00 (no change from the current fiscal year).


Owners should have received a hand delivered packet explaining how payments can be made; semi-annual or annual payment by check, semi-annual or annual payment by ACH debit to a checking or savings account on the 1st, 5th, or 10th of October and/or April, or monthly in the amount of $165.25 ACH debit to a checking or savings account on the 1st, 5th, or 10th of each month.


If you did not receive the packet, please contact Phil Hacker at 740-281-9984 or by email to immediately.


-Phil Hacker


                                                            VILLA RUN NEWSLETTER

                                                                       JUNE 2024


Villa Run Welcomes our new residents!

Kenneth Webb 3059 Brixton Rd W.

Deborah Davis 1146 Lindsey Rd

Sharon Wood& David Robertson 1135 Foxboro Rd



The President’s Corner

As you drive and/or walk around Villa Run, I hope that you are noticing the touches that we have added. Thanks to Steve Parham for donating our flowerpots and Sharon Brown for planting the flowers, we are trying to create a more welcoming look for our visitors and future homebuyers. We are also in the process of replacing all our street signs as well, which should be completed soon. Things are getting done and we are still on budget, if not under it.


General Section:

When we hired our new law firm (Kaman-Cusimano) in 2021, they thoroughly reviewed our governing Declarations and By-Laws and came up with the following recommendations. For one reason or another, this letter was never acted on until now.

I have highlighted in Red what I believe to be the most important parts of each amendment followed by my comments which are in Bold black print.


Occupancy Restriction. I recommend that the documents be amended to prohibit Tier III sexual offenders, formally classified as sexual predators, from residing on or visiting the property.

As you may be aware, the Ohio Sex Offenders Act requires the county sheriff's department to notify communities of a registered Tier III sexual offender. The amendment is drafted so that the Association could act as soon as it receives notification that a Tier III offender is living on the property. The restriction can apply to Tier II offenders but only if the court requires the county sheriff to notify the neighborhood of the Tier II offender's residency, which is not common.

This amendment would allow us to be notified in the event that a person who has been convicted of a sexual crime is trying to purchase a home in Villa Run.

Insurance Deductible. The Declaration requires the Association to insure a substantial portion of the condominium property. This includes the original items the developer installed in the individual units, such as sinks, faucets, and cabinets, even though the individual owners maintain those items. This type of insurance is not unusual, but it is confusing. While the Board can consider an amendment to shift responsibility for ensuring the original unit items to the individual owners, I recommend that the Board at least pursue an amendment that shifts responsibility for any unit damage below the amount of the Association's insurance deductible to the individual owners. Without an amendment on the insurance deductible, the Association is responsible, for example, for any water leak damage within a unit, even if the leak started from inside the unit, such as from a leaky faucet.

The cost of insurance has been on the rise over the last few years, and this amendment may provide a reasonable hedge against future premium increases resulting from additional claims and will spread the deductible responsibility more evenly between the Association and individual unit owners. The Association would still be responsible for the deductible for any damage to the common elements.

This amendment simply clarifies who is responsible for what when it comes to repairs made inside our homes. Without it, the Association is currently responsible and while that may please some people, I will remind you that ANY claims made within a five-year period will likely trigger a rate increase which would affect us all.


Leasing Restriction. The Association's current leasing restriction, amended into the Declaration in 1996, prohibits leasing on all units. Some courts have ruled that provisions of this type are unreasonable, and, therefore, unenforceable. As a result, if the Board attempts to enforce this provision and evict a tenant, a court may find the leasing restriction invalid. Consequently, we recommend that the Board consider authorizing an amendment to the leasing restriction to be presented to the owners for a vote.

This amendment will prevent rental units at the Villa Run Condominiums. Furthermore, the amendment is reasonable, flexible, and contains some built-in exceptions: 1. The leasing restriction would not apply to current owners who are renting units; though given that the prior restriction was passed in 1996 it is unlikely there would be any current owners who are leasing 2. If you own the unit but only your children) or parent(s) lives in the unit, the living arrangement is excluded from the rental restriction; and 3. If any owner encounters a personal hardship, the

amendment contains an automatic, one-time right to lease the unit.


This amendment is needed to beef up our existing language to make it harder for any investor to purchase a condominium with the intent to rent or lease.


Cost of Enforcement. Generally, under the American system of law, each party their own legal fees. In 1987, the Ohio Supreme Court issued an opinion that allows community associations to assess back legal fees incurred during a rule enforcement matter to the defaulting owner, so long as the language is in the governing documents. While the language is in all the association documents which were present, the requisite language is NOT in your documents. State laws provide the Association with a basis for demanding recovery fees from owners, but adding the provisions to the governing documents significantly increases the likelihood the Association will receive reimbursement of the fees and expenses.


Cost of enforcement would permit the assessing back all costs of enforcing the governing documents or rules to the violating owner. The other owners, who abide by the rules should not have to cover the additional costs related to enforcement. More importantly, this provision acts as a strong deterrent to owners who may violate rules.

This amendment prevents our Association from paying a complaint's attorney fees when involved in a legal dispute with a resident.


Annual Meeting Date. Your governing documents mandate that the annual meeting be held on "the third Thursday in September". I recommend that the Association amend the Bylaws to permit holding the meeting anytime in the month of September or another time frame, such as the "third quarter of the year, as the Board might prefer, to provide more reasonable flexibility in scheduling the annual meeting.

Our current by-laws force us to have our annual meeting on a certain date and month. This amendment simply allows us more flexibility which, in turn, may allow us to change our fiscal year date, which I would like to do.

Electronic Notice. Voting and Meeting. This amendment authorizes the Association to send Association notices electronically to those who opt in to receive notices electronically. It also permits voting for Board members and other matters outside the meeting by mail-in or electronic ballot and gives the Association the ability to hold both virtual and in person owner meetings.

This amendment allows us to officially do what we have started doing anyway and that is to send our newsletters to those who request this.

Board Qualifications We recommend an amendment that requires Board members to be in "good standing," or to be current with their payment of any fees or assessments, to be eligible to serve as a director. Good standing means not being more than 60 days (can reduce or increase the number of days) delinquent. Additionally, we recommend Board members be removed from the Board for various reasons including being in litigation with or against the Association or any Board member or having a felony conviction within the last 10 years (can decrease or increase number of years).

Staggered Board Terms. Your Bylaws (Article II, Section 2, page 5) state that the term of office for all board members "shall hold office until the next organizational, “which means one year. The other community associations we represent provide for either a two- or three- year staggered term. The staggering of terms avoids the total turnover of the Board in one year and allows for a degree of continuity and experience on the Board. I recommend you amend your Bylaws to provide for three-year terms with two Board members being elected in one year, two Board members being elected in the next year, and one Board member in the third year, with this staggered rotation then continuing thereafter.

I laughed at these last two amendments because we cannot even find enough people to serve on our board anyway BUT since this whole package comes with one price to create, what the heck, we'll include it.

Once again, these amendments to our existing by-laws are very important to our Association and you will be hearing (and seeing) these again once our attorney finishes their work. This will require at least 75% approval by our residents before it can be added to our by-laws. I hope that you will support us by voting YES.


Villa Run Picnic

Our Villa Run picnic is being held at Elk’s club, September 18th. Some may recall that we tried to do this last year but ran out of time for proper planning but it is on for this year. We will have flyers coming out in a few months but be sure to mark your calendars now for this fun event.


A reminder to our pet owners:

Please remember to clean up your yards after your pets and remember that our lawn service reserves the right to NOT mow your yard if there are pet dropping present.

Along this same subject, we had a lively complaint session at our recent Board meeting about Paul Gamble and his crew. I ask everyone that instead of confronting Paul personally that you notify our Grounds person, Steve Dunham (937-207-8899) and he will convey your concerns/complaints to Paul. There are many reasons for this but most importantly, IF you complain to Paul directly, your Board has no knowledge thus we cannot act. By consolidating any concerns, we are able to see a pattern to correct but let’s face it, out of 251 homes, chances are that someone will have grass remaining on their sidewalk is pretty high.

Street work is coming soon:

I have seen our committee’s proposed areas for new cement and their aggressive and that is a good thing. I often hear from contractors and people who have moved in recently how well kept they think our streets are when compared to other areas they have looked at.


Now for the negative:

Hopefully, we can view this more of a goal as opposed to a negative but performing annual property evaluations is a necessary evil for condo living. With that said, we are adopting a new strategy this year that will eliminate guessing or personal opinions.

This year, there will be two Board members evaluating each home and they must agree on each infraction before submitting it to the owner. IF you feel that we are wrong, you will still have your right to appeal to our entire Board. Also this year, as you can see from our attached form, you will be provided with ample time to make any repairs.

As I walk around, the main thing that I see is the conditions of driveways. While several look like they need to be replaced, we all realize that replacing a driveway is a capital expense. However, a simple power wash can (and will) do wonders in appearance. So, if you have not cleaned your driveway or sidewalk within the last 5 years, chances are you will be invited to do so this year.

Again, our goal is NOT to harass any resident but rather keep Villa Run’s appearance to a top standard which leads to increased property values for everyone.

New outdoors lights are available. We are making available new pole lights for anyone interested in upgrading your outdoor light. You can see what these lights look like by driving by 1035 Armsgate rd. We know that many of our lights have faded glass that just cannot be cleaned so this is your chance to get a “new look.”

To get one, simply notify your area manager and if you do not currently have a manager, just notify any Board member and we will order you one.

It was decided at our recent Board meeting to reimburse those people who have recently had drainage work done at their house. If you choose to have the Association reimburse you, please contact our Treasurer, Phil Hacker (740-281-9984) to make arrangements.


The Secretary’s Corner

We informed everyone after the last meeting that we would no longer be distributing a Resident Roster due to Privacy Rights but after some investigating it was determined that we can publish and distribute a Resident Roster of those that elect to be published in the roster. With that being said, if you DO NOT want your name and contact information listed in the Roster I will need that request in writing. This request can be emailed to or put in my box outside my garage. All requests to be removed from the roster must be received no later than July 20, 2024.

-Barb Carpenter



The Treasurer’s Corner

The Street Committee made up of Phil Hacker, Jill Melfi, Dave, and Jim Groeber walked the streets to determine what repairs should be completed this fiscal year ending September 30. Four contractors were sent bid requests: Ed Shell, Frazier and Brooks, Sterling Concrete, and Jason Castle. Two bids were received as of June 10.


The submitted bids range from $36K to $43K. However, there are clarifications needed on each bid. Once those questions are answered, the bids will be compared for "apples to apples" compilation.


This year's budget for street repairs is $40,000.

It is expected that during the month of July, street repairs will be completed. Should the weather be a factor, repairs may extend into August. The list of street repairs to be completed is attached. If you have any others that need added to the list, please contact Phil Hacker.


-Phil Hacker​


The Area Manager’s Corner

As mentioned in the Presidents Corner, we will be using a New Property Evaluation form. Evaluations will be completed during 6/24/24-6/30/24. If you have any questions or have scheduled work to be completed at a later date, please contact Peggy Dinges at (812) 325-5253.

-Peggy Dinges





                                                                        VILLA RUN

                                                         UNIT OWNER’S ASSOCIATION


                                                                   September 2023





The President’s Corner

I’m happy to report that we have had a very good and productive year despite the 2nd large annual insurance increase in a row plus dealing with 5-9% inflation.  I think our board acted smartly to address some of the issues facing us using “today’s dollars” as opposed to waiting for labor cost to increase even more. 


I’ve listed our accomplishments later in this newsletter and listed the challenges that we also are facing.

Even with being forced to cut our annual budget to prevent our assessment from being more, I feel confident that our Board can and will accomplish even more this fiscal year. 

General Comments:

Why did our annual dues go up again?

For the second straight year, we have experienced a huge annual rate increase of $38,000 for our Association insurance or an increase of $151.00 per resident annually.  That equates to each resident paying $448.00 annually.  To put this into perspective, 3 years ago, Villa Run was paying $34,000 per year or $135.00 annually.

Through some tough budget cuts, our Board was able to reduce our annual increase from $159.00 down to an increase of $108.00 annually.  This process was NOT easy.

We had a guest speaker.

As residents who attended our annual meeting already know, our guest speaker was James Wills, Superintendent from the Springfield Forestry service.  He spoke about Bradford pear trees and informed us that this tree as of January 2023 is now listed as invasive and is not allowed to be sold, planted, or grown in Ohio. 

Callery pear (or Bradford Pear) has become less desirable as a landscape tree in recent decades due to branch breakage because of their fast growth and dense branching structure. The trees are susceptible to storm damage and often lose limbs as a result.

Our Board will be consulting with our Forestry service over the winter and will decide and announce what steps to take next spring but suffice to say, no further planting of this tree will be allowed in Vila Run.

Help may be on the way.

Thanks to the efforts of our fellow resident, Phil Tritle, we are now in discussions for Springfield to take over the maintenance of our water and sewer lines.  It’s hard to describe what that means to Villa Run but just one main water break could be disastrous for our reserve funds.

Phil and I recently attended a meeting with the superintendent of the city’s water department and the meeting went extremely well and I feel that we have developed a wonderful working relationship with the city on this.  We are tasked with doing some upgrades prior to the transfer and will need some attorney assistance to agree on certain legal issues but this should not be a problem.

One of the tasks are for us to find (I believe) 6 manholes that are buried below the ground and raise them to ground level.  Jim Groeber and Phil have volunteered to do this for us and will be doing some digging in the weeks ahead so if you see them in your yard, you’ll know why and what they’re doing.  A big THANK YOU to both gentlemen for all they’re doing for us.


Here's where your dollars went last year.

  • We redesigned our welcome kit for new residents from being a folder with papers in it to creating a booklet complete with an index so people can find things more easily when needed.


  • We completely redesigned our quarterly newsletter from a few sheets of bond paper to a more professional look allowing each “department” i.e., President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc. to add comments when needed.


  • We conducted our first ever Engineering study to have a professional evaluation of our drainage problems.


  • We opened our budget process meeting to all residents.  While very few attended, we felt it was necessary so people could see the process that we went through to reach our next year’s budget.


  • We had our first ever external audit performed by an outside source.  While we did an internal audit last year, this year, we traded services with another Condo Association.  Their treasurer did ours while Phil Hacker did theirs saving us approximately $5,000.


  • We conducted an in-depth study of our drain system along with estimated costs to repair and had a forest service expert evaluate the trees along our border which are either dead and/or diseased and we are in the process of removing.


  • We had a first ever reserve study performed that indicated the areas that we are strong in as well as some the need improvement.  We hope to have the engineering firm present at our annual meeting.


  • Our area managers are in the process of collecting email addresses from everyone that has access to the Internet so we will have master list of emails.  I just learned recently that one association has this written in their by-laws, we don’t.


  • We have installed a trench drain at the intersection of Foxboro and Brixton East.  This should alleviate most of the water running down the street and flooding the lower end of our community.


  • Finally, we removed 21 dead and/or diseased trees and trimmed 4 more.  A major part of this project is completed.  Now, we’ll just need to trim trees as needed.  We’re also about 75-80% done with our drain repairs.



This past summer we hired an engineering firm to do a reserve study for Villa Run.  A Reserve Study is a valuable tool to help us budget our responsibilities for our property. This report contains all the information we need to avoid surprise expenses, make informed decisions, save money, and protect property values.

The engineering firm that did this study will be at Northminster church located at 400 Villa Road at (CIRCLE THIS DATE) 2:00pm Wednesday, November 8th to give us a briefing on what they did and share their recommendations with us.  This is an extremely important event for all residents to attend so you can learn more about our reserve strength and reasons for having a reserve fund.


New streetlights have been approved.

Our Board has approved a new streetlight for those residents who want to replace their existing light.  Eventually (budget willing) we plan to replace all streetlights with this model but until then, we are allowing people to go ahead and replace your light with this model.  You can see this light by following this link.  KastLite Polycarbonate Outdoor Post Light Lantern with Black Finish | 13" x 18" | Fits a 3" Pole Top | Comparable to Winston Series


The Secretary’s Corner

Pet Owners                                               

Reminder to all pet owners that you are required to clean up pet waste in common and limited common areas, as well as sidewalks, streets, and driveways.  While walking your pet, small or large, please follow this rule as listed in Rules and Regulations updated March 2023.                                    


The Treasurer’s Corner

New Payment options for annual assessments

Beginning October 1, 2023, Unit Owners can choose to pay assessments monthly via ACH debit to their checking or savings account.  Additionally, if you choose to pay assessments semi-annually, or annually, rather than paying by check, you now have the option to pay via ACH debit.   Summary and ACH authorization forms are included with this newsletter.  If you have any questions, please contact Phil Hacker.


The Area Manager’s Corner       

Fall is here and winter is near!   Please make sure you clean your gutters before the winter weather begins and trim  and the large shrubs will need to be trimmed away from your house and roof.

Joyce Everly would like to extend an invitation to anyone that is  interested in playing Hand and Foot card game.  If you are interested , please call Joyce at

740-360-2630.  If you do not play and would like to learn, my husband and I would be glad to teach you. All are welcome! 

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