Villa Run Condominium Unit Owner’s Association
Rules and Regulations updated 3/8/23
The Association’s fiscal year is October 1 through September 30.
Owners planning to sell their Unit are to notify the Association Secretary to assure questions from Real Estate Agents and or Title Companies can be answered in a timely manner.
Prior to closing on the purchase of a Unit, all new owners are required to attend an orientation held by the assigned Board members. The selling owner must inform the new owners and/or the Real Estate Agent listing the Unit of this requirement. At the completion of orientation, the acknowledgement form is to be signed by all Unit Owners.
The Association By-Laws allow dues to be paid annually for the next entire fiscal year between October 1 and 10. The By-Laws also allow dues to be paid semi annually for the next fiscal year between October 1 and 10, and April 1 and 10.
Effective October, 2023, owners will have the option to pay assessments on a monthly basis via ACH debit from a checking or savings account. Participants will be charged a small fee to pay for the monthly ACH plan and transaction processing fee charged by the Bank.
If dues are not paid before the last payment due date, a $25.00 per month late fee will be assessed until dues are paid current.
If annual assessments are past due and not brought current, the Board per Declarations, Article XV, Section 5, may initiate a lien on the property.
No plantings allowed without review and approval of the Association Board.
Trees planted in Common Areas must be of species that are not intrusive to Unit foundations, sidewalks, and streets.
Current approved species or varieties: Marona Crab, Japanese Maple, Dogwood, Honey Locust, Apple Service Berry, Royal Star Magnolia, Star Magnolia Stellata, Korean Lilac (reblooming), Sargentina Crab Apple, Eastern (American) Red Bud, and North Star Dwarf White Spruce (dwarf).
COMMON AREAS (continued)
Trees or other plantings by previous owners or current owners, within 16 feet from the Unit, are the responsibility of the current owner to maintain and trim as well as remove if any tree is unhealthy or root systems begin to damage foundations, sidewalks, and streets.
If the Association needs to repair sewer, electric, gas lines or other repairs, the Association will not be responsible for replacing trees, shrubs, or landscaping, or any items owner has placed in the Common Area. New plantings around utility boxes must be planted 8’ from the boxes. Any plantings or landscaping utility companies remove in order to access the boxes will not be replanted. Any request to replant around utility boxes must receive prior approval of the Board.
Owners are responsible to assure sidewalks and driveways have no hazards such as unevenness or excessive snow/ice buildup. Owners are responsible to make timely repairs to sidewalks, porches, and driveways to remove any tripping or other hazards that may contribute to anyone’s injury.
A flag pole to display the American flag may be installed, with prior Board approval, and display and maintenance of the flag must adhere to the U.S. Flag Code, and etiquette.
Any display of the American flag must include lighting the flag from dusk to dawn if displayed after daylight hours.
Replacement of lamp posts and attached original light fixtures is prohibited. The Unit owner is responsible to replace the light fixture lamp/bulb in a timely manner (within 10 days of notice from Area Manager, or when Owner notices, whichever is sooner). If lamp post or light fixture is damaged by lawn service or snow removal contractor(s), the Area Manager must be notified and replacement will be coordinated with the contractor(s).
LIMITED COMMON AREAS (3 feet area around foundation of the Unit)
Unit Owners are permitted to plant flowers and shrubs, maintain the plantings, and to keep plantings trimmed.
Replacement of shrubs – It is the Owner’s responsibility to replace shrubs in the front of the Unit when they die, they are unsightly, or the Owner would like to replace them. Shrubs can be replaced with similar shrubs or replacements can be of the taxus or boxwood variety. Shrubs are to be no higher than the window ledges and no higher than 3 feet for areas next to the window ledges. A minimum of 5 shrubs are to be planted across the front of each Unit.
All Units must have house numbers displayed on lamp posts and preferably parallel with the driveway. The numbers must be of a decorative nature with white numbering and/or letters, not “stick on” numbers or letters, and easily read at night for visitors, Fire and EMT personnel. The street name and/or owner’s name may be included on the house number display.
Unit owners may install window shutters of white or black.
Awnings may only be dark brown (trim, posts, and spouting).
Patio enclosures may be tan/beige, dark brown, or white. Patio enclosures that have faded paint or non-uniform color for the entire enclosure must be repainted. Patio enclosures must be no more than 9’ x 16’ to conform to the original patio measurements.
Patio extensions beyond the original patio enclosure or 9’ x 16’ patio may be no longer than the length of the Unit. Patio extensions may have an awning or similar cover.
Two outside adornments can be hung on the front of the exterior portion of the Unit (excluding front porch).
Hanging baskets of live flowers are also permitted in the front and/or back of the Unit.
Yard ornaments must not be unsightly or offensive. The determination of such, should the Board receive complaints, will be solely the Board’s decision whether to allow or to require removal of the yard ornaments.
Three yard ornaments are allowed and must be placed within 3’ of the unit exterior or within a lamppost flower bed. They may not intrude with the normal path of lawn service mowers.
Porch furniture may be on the front porch as well as back patios or extended patios and must be in good condition (not faded or torn).
Grills are allowed on back patios or extended patios and must be in good appearance. Grills may be used outside the front of a garage, but must be placed back on patios immediately after use. No charcoal grilling is allowed on combustible surfaces. All grilling is to be at a safe distance from the Unit and porch awnings to prevent smoke or fire damage.
A flag pole holder for the American flag may be attached to the outside of the Unit in combination with other outside adornments. Any display of the American flag must include lighting the flag from dusk to dawn if displayed after daylight hours.
Christmas decorations are permitted in the Common and Limited Common areas, but not in Common areas during mowing season.
Prohibited items – any type of storage shed, deck, or gazebo.
Fences may be installed on one or two sides of a patio or patio extension and must be vinyl or vinyl clad, white in color, and in standard 6’ x 8’ sections, or less than 6’ high. Owners, may install decorative railing of steel, aluminum, or vinyl clad material white in color less than 6’ high. There must be a minimum of 3’ opening or gate leading to the common area.
Cable TV or satellite dishes and antennas can be placed where suggested by the installer and must have cables/wires fastened to the Unit exterior.
Replacement windows require Board approval prior to installation. Any violation may result in removal at the owner’s expense and/or fines if owner does not comply with Board decision. Windows must be replaced in pairs (two front or two back windows). Replacement windows must be the same measurements as the original windows, exterior frames must be white, windows cannot be tinted other than for low-E ratings, must have 3 vertical sections as the original windows, the front windows must be casement style, and rear windows may be casement, double or single hung. However, all rear windows must be of the same style.
Wrought iron railings on the front porch are optional. The railing must be maintained in good condition and free from any collapse or falling hazard. If railings are removed, all must be removed, and the downspout extended to the exterior living room wall with dark brown spouting of the same size.
Roofs must be maintained in good condition by the Unit owner. When a roof has met or exceeded its useful life and/or it is in need or replacement, the owner will receive prior approval from the Board. Replacement shingles must be dimensional and Autumn Brown (Tamko-Heritage), Burnt Sienna (Certainteed-Landmark), Brownwood Laminate(Owens-Corning), or Hickory Plus (Timberline HDZ RS+).
Commercial vehicles (trucks and/or trailers), boats and/or trailers, trailers, recreational vehicles, and inoperable or unlicensed vehicles may not be parked anywhere on the Association property in excess of 24 hours, unless special permission is obtained prior to parking on streets or driveways from the Board (Area Manager). No vehicle is allowed that has a disturbing noise.
Speed limits are to be obeyed by any vehicle entering the Association property.
No parking is allowed on any grassy area, nor near mail boxes.
If visitor vehicles will be present on the street for over 24 hours, the owner should contact the Area Manager so the Association is aware.
Each Unit is allowed no more than two (2) domestic pets. Pets are defined as cats, and dogs that are not designated by the State of Ohio as “Nuisance”, “ Dangerous”, or “Vicious”.
When outside, all pets must be on a leash
Owners are required to clean up pet waste in common and limited common areas, as well as sidewalks, streets, and driveways.
During mowing season, any chain or leash extending into a mowing area must be removed to prevent mowers from hitting them. Should any damage occur to contractor mower(s), the owner may be held responsible to reimburse for damages.
One “For Sale” sign is permitted inside a Unit’s front window, or outside within the 3’ area in front of the kitchen window. The sign must not exceed 2’ x 2’ and must be professional in character. One Real Estate “Open House” sign will be allowed in the common front yard area one day prior and the day of the Open House, and removed when the Open House has concluded. Placement of the Open House sign must not impede lawn mowing services.
Political signs are limited to two small signs within the 3’ area in front of the Unit. Unit Owners must follow County and/or Ohio Administrative and/or Revised Code as to when signs may be placed before an election, and when signs are to be removed after an election.
Contractor or any type of advertising sign is allowed in the common front yard area.
Entrances are maintained by the Association and no types of signs are allowed at the entrances other than for the Association’s Garage Sales.
Unit owners may have up to two (2) skylights, they must be round with a sight bubble, and installed on the rear roof only. Solar energy collections devices are prohibited unless installed on the rear of a Unit’s roof.
Association-wide garage sales may be held once a year with the date determined by the Board. Owners are not permitted to have garage sales other than on the date set by the Board.
Auctions, Estate, and Tag Sales are prohibited.
A written notice of violation(s) of the above “Rules and Regulations” will be issued to the Unit owner by the Board.
If violation(s) are not corrected within thirty (30) days, the following steps will be taken:
A fine ranging from $25.00 to $100.00 per month will be assessed by the Board until violation(s) are corrected.
A one time fine, as determined by the Board, and within Ohio Revised Code section 5311.081, for violation(s) that are unreasonable to request the owner to remove.