Condo Corner
Welcome to Condo Corner:
In this section, you will learn how you can get the most benefit from our website. As you can see on the HOME page, we have 3 boxes at the bottom i.e. Homes for Sale - Items for Sale - and Handymen Referrals. You will also see a Community Alert button. Among other things, you will look here to see if we're going to have snow removal for a particular day.
How to navigate this website:
Simply click the title at the top of this website to move between pages. To view a home for sale and/or any items for sale, just click the button below the title. If you ever get stuck, just click the HOME button and you'll be taken there.
Homes for Sale:
Each resident who is planning to sell their home can list their home here. Your listing can have one picture or ten pictures, it doesn't matter as we have the capability of showing your home as a slide show. In addition to pictures, a complete description can be added as well. Please keep your description limited to 50 words or less.
​ Handymen Referrals:
In this section, you will see a list of people who have performed work for another resident and have been happy with the pricing and work performed. Please feel free to contact us to have any names added to this list as our goal is to have as many names as possible. Please remember however, that this listing is NOT and endorsement or a suggestion to use anyone. It's simply a good starting point for you.
How to leave a comment:
You will notice that we have a chat box located in the lower right portion of this website. You can either type your question there or you can click the CONTACT US button at the top of the page and ask your question or leave your comment there. We will do our best to respond with 48 hours. We solicit your participation in refining this website so if you would like to see something added, please use one of the above methods and let us know.
We hope that you will enjoy and visit this site as often as needed