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About US

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Villa Run is a great place to live.  We are a privately owned condominium community consisting of 251 single family homes built on approximately 40 acres.  We conduct quarterly association meetings.


Our current Board Members are:


President                           Marty Laws                 


Vice President                  Vacant


Secretary                           Barbara Carpenter      (zeros)


Grounds Chairman        Steve Dunham             


Treasurer                           Phil Hacker                 


Area #1 Mgr                       Jill Melfi                       


Area #2 Mgr                      Kathy Trimmer          


Area #3 Mgr                      Peggy Dinges              


Area #4 Mgr                      Connie Little                                    


Area #5 Mgr                      Vacant


Area #6 Mgr                      Sharon Brown             



                                                 Board Member Duties​



  1. The president will conduct regular meetings (monthly, semi-monthly, etc.) of
    the Board of Officers and Managers.

  2. The president will make contact with the attorney to verify the legal position
    of the association.

  3. The president and/or a person he/she appoints (board member or condo unit
    owner) will negotiate annual contracts (lawn care, snow removal, insurance,
    etc.) for ratification by the entire board. All contracts shall be signed by the

  4. The president should inspect the common areas for maintenance require-
    ments, infringements of rules, and damage to the outside of units. If infringe-
    ments of rules are observed, he/she should work through the area manager to
    resolve the situation.

  5. The president (or appointee), along with the secretary and the appropriate
    area manager, shall interview all prospective owners prior to the final closing
    of all units. The purpose of this interview is to distribute organizational
    documents, review rules/regulations and introduce new owners to their area

  6. The president will prepare agendas for board meetings, appoint committees
    as needed and in general act as the executive officer for the association.

  7. The president shall make arrangements for the annual meeting of the



  1. The vice president will work with the president as requested.

  2. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall be responsible for all
    duties of the president.



1. The secretary will take minutes of all association meetings, keep on tile all
records of the association, provide space for all office equipment owned
by the association, produce a newsletter to keep all residents informed of
activities and decisions that effect them.

2.  The secretary will provide copies of the minutes to all officers and managers.

3.  The secretary will prepare all correspondence with condo unit owners and all
other correspondence that may be required.

4.  The secretary will participate in interviewing all prospective unit owners
along with the president (or appointee) and the appropriate area manager.

5.  The secretary will maintain a record of all owner requests, complaints and
rule violations, along with the disposition of them.

6.  The secretary will keep a list of all properties for sale and a list of prospective

7.  The secretary will maintain and distribute annually a Telephone Directory
for all condo unit owners.



  1. The treasurer will keep accurate records of the financial activity of the

  2. The treasurer will pay all bills of the association. If the bill is not covered by
    the budget or the expense will exceed the total budget, the payment of the bill
    will need approval by the Board of Officers and Managers before payment is

  3. The treasurer will receive all assessments, deposit them into a checking
    account and make investments as directed by the president and/or board.

  4. The treasurer, with board approval, may transfer monies from one line
    item to another so long as the total amount of the budget (as approved at
    the annual meeting) is not exceeded.

  5. The treasurer, with board approval, shall prepare and present to the
    association at the annual meeting, a proposed budget for the following
    fiscal year. This budget, as adopted by the association will establish the
    limit of spending for the association.

  6. The treasurer will be responsible to see that all invoices presented for
    payment are in compliance with terms of contracts and/or bids.

  7. All invoices shall be approved by the person in charge of the project, who
    will determine if work was completed satisfactorily. Any question of the

       the completion and quality of work will be resolved with the contractor by
       the person in charge of the project before invoice is paid.

8     The treasurer shall furnish a report of income and expenditures to the
       board at their regular meeting and to all association members at the
       annual meeting.

9.    The treasurer will prepare 1120-H Federal Tax Return annually, along
       with 1099's for the secretary and treasurer.



  1. The managers are the primary interface between the board and the condo
    unit owners.

  2. The managers shall contact all new owners within their area to advise them
    that they are available to assist them if they have questions about their
    responsibilities and/or limitations within the association.

  3. The managers will be aware of the appearance and maintenance needs
    within their areas and work with the condo unit owners to maintain the
    standards of the association.

  4. Managers will respond to questions and complaints brought to their
    attention by the condo unit owners in their area.

  5. The managers will consult with the president or vice president if they need
    assistance in dealing with a situation in their area. They will bring to the
    attention of the board any situation that requires action by the board such
    as infringement of rules/regulations, maintenance needs, etc.

  6. Managers will serve on committees, at the request of the president, to
    conduct the affairs of the association.

  7. Managers will distribute monthly "Newsletters" to all residents in their area.

  8. Managers will present "Owner Request" at regularly scheduled board
































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