Ones not wanting speed bumps are probably ones that speed. There is a great NEED for LESS SPEED. We do not have sidewalks, We barley have passage for one car when one car is parked on street. We also have those who do not want to wait their turn to pass when there is on passage for one car. ex: mowers, cars parked on each side of street.
We have multiple persons with walkers that have to cross the street that have walkers. That person could be you or me tomorrow. The real solution is to slow down keep our community safe, one of the main reason for moving here. Letting a few destroy our rules is what ruins communities and before you know it we do not have our safe community.
Agree ! I would rather see us spend a few thousand perhaps to save a life than be utterly sorry when someone or a pet has been injured. while walking on OUR property. I really do not understand why some owners believe they have a right to speed...
Just a suggestion. Amazon has a large selection of speed bumps that could be purchased for less. Most have great reviews. We just need to deter cars from cutting through our neighborhood & slow cars down for our safety. Once they see the hazard of cutting through they will go around (hopefully). They also offer signage on Amazon to place at entrances warning Private Property & Speed Bumps. Maybe that might help also.
We keep being told we don't have the money to send out a newsletter or a directory so I think spending money on speed bumps is a waste. I also don't think it would be wise for emergency equipment.
Very much in favor of speed bumps. Upon moving to Villa run everyone signed a document about upkeep of condos, speed and various rules and regulations. Since this is private property it seems there are those who do not want to obey the speed. Even Amazon, UPS, and other deliveries. But mostly our own neighbors. As with upkeep of outside, the association should be able to place judgement on speeders that live here, and contact company that deliveries work for, as to their speeding. I have spoken to Amazon drivers, and UPS drivers about their speed and warned next time I call their office. This has to be a total commitment, and every one work together or it does not work. I have even been going 15 in here and have people pass me on Brixton. Evidentially rules are made for everyone but them.
We have a good number of Condo Owners that walk throughout the day and into evening hours. Some also are walking their Pets. I feel there are too many people who drive over the speed limit and believe speed bumps would help to slow most, if not all, that travel on our roads. So, yes, am in favor of trying anything to keep all our owners safe.
Speed bumps are not wanted by most residence. Please focus on the “needs” of the many not the needs of the few.
Just a suggestion. Amazon has a large selection of speed bumps that could be purchased for less. Most have great reviews. We just need to deter cars from cutting through our neighborhood & slow cars down for our safety. Once they see the hazard of cutting through they will go around (hopefully). They also offer signage on Amazon to place at entrances warning Private Property & Speed Bumps. Maybe that might help also.
We keep being told we don't have the money to send out a newsletter or a directory so I think spending money on speed bumps is a waste. I also don't think it would be wise for emergency equipment.
I don't feel the Assoc. has the money to waist on this.
The Assoc. should see if they can get a portable radar/speed sign on loan from the city.
If they are portable could they be stolen? But we definitely need something
Very much in favor of speed bumps. Upon moving to Villa run everyone signed a document about upkeep of condos, speed and various rules and regulations. Since this is private property it seems there are those who do not want to obey the speed. Even Amazon, UPS, and other deliveries. But mostly our own neighbors. As with upkeep of outside, the association should be able to place judgement on speeders that live here, and contact company that deliveries work for, as to their speeding. I have spoken to Amazon drivers, and UPS drivers about their speed and warned next time I call their office. This has to be a total commitment, and every one work together or it does not work. I have even been going 15 in here and have people pass me on Brixton. Evidentially rules are made for everyone but them.
How many speed bumps, and where?
We have a good number of Condo Owners that walk throughout the day and into evening hours. Some also are walking their Pets. I feel there are too many people who drive over the speed limit and believe speed bumps would help to slow most, if not all, that travel on our roads. So, yes, am in favor of trying anything to keep all our owners safe.